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Split-n-Save a new way minimizing your consumption and maximizing your savings. Split-n-Save enables users to save money and buy lesser quantity of goods, by allowing them share or take advantage of deals/coupons/promotions with other users of the app within their geographical proximity.
Have you ever come across a promotion where they save buy 2 get 1 50% off, and you wished that there was someone who can split this deal with you. Well now you can! We are the only app in the market that allows you to split or share coupons and promotions with other app users. This unique platform lets you save hundreds of dollars and at the same time allows you to shop at your favorite stores, restaurants, and/or wholesale clubs.
Look for the nearest, latest and best deals near you

· Search for deals or coupons near you, from being able split a deal that is in Costco or Best Buy.

· Upload coupons or promotions that you want split it with your friends and family

· Check out where the best offers near you and save on your purchases

· Take advantage of featured deals from several different stores near you

· If you have a groupon and looking for friends to share it with, you can upload the groupon offer in the application

· Shop smart, look to see who can share and split deals with